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The maneuvering skill of those who have forged themselves and reached excellence.

Unit terrain rating up by 1 grade (no effect on null terrain ratings).

Character Level Learned
Sleggar Law 18
Terry Sanders Jr. 34
Yuu Kajima 18
Eiphar Synapse 17
Aiguille Delaz 16
Quattro Bajeena 25
Apolly Bay 40
Henken Bekkener 32
Saegusa 20
Amuro Ray (CCA) 15
Kayra Su 45
Bright Noa (CCA) 40
Char Aznable (CCA) 15
Odello Henrik 50
Quattre Raberba Winner 50
Lucrezia Noin 15
Dr.J 30
Jamil Neate 35
Kid Salsamille 35
Sid Munzer 15
Gavane Goonny 30
Rey Za Burrel 18
Lunamaria Hawke 50
Neo Roanoke 50
Murrue Ramius (C.E. 73) 34
Arnold Neumann (C.E. 73) 17
Sven Cal Bayang Initial
Mudie Holcroft 50
Lasse Aeon 30
Sergei Smirnov 32
Nicky Taylor 40
Mark Gilder 32

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