Ability Translation

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Ability Translations

Unit Abilities

Name in Japanese Name in English Effect in Japanese Effect in English
アンチ・ビーム・シールド防御可能 Anti-Beam Shield defense possible 「防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Defend' command.
Reduces received damage by 30%.
BEAM1 and BEAM melee further halved.
ウージィアーマー搭載 Witch Armor equipped 物理攻撃ダメージを半減
Physical attack damaged halved.
Recovers 10% HP upon activation.
ゲシュマイディッヒ・パンツァー装備 Geschmeidig Panzer equipment BEAM射撃を無効化 Negates BEAM shooting attacks.
ゴッドスラッシュ・タイフーン God Slash Typhoon ファンネル系武装を無効化 Negates funnel-based attacks; not affected by critical attack.
支援防御可能 Defense Support possible 支援防御が可能になる Enables 'Support Defense'.
シールド防御可能 Shield defense possible 「防御」コマンド使用可能受けるダメージを30%軽減する Enables 'Defend' command. Reduces received damage by 30%.
スーパーモード搭載 Super Mode equipped 超強気になるとスーパーモード発動 At super high tension, Super Mode is activated.
ステルスシステム搭載 Stealth System equipped 敵の攻撃範囲内にいても50%の確率で攻撃対象から外れる When in range of enemy attack, 50% probability of not being targeted.
ゼロシステム搭載 Zero System equipped 攻撃・防御力+5
Offensive and Defensive power +5.
Accuracy and Evasion rate +10.
Alters pilot's personality.
ソニックシールド装備 Sonic Shield equipment 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
Negates all shooting attacks.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
耐ビームコーティング Anti-Beam Coating BEAM1・BEAM格闘のダメージを半減 BEAM1 and BEAM melee damage halved.
脱出機能搭載 Escape Function equipped 撃破されると別の機体が登場する When the unit is destroyed, a new unit will appear.
チョバムアーマー搭載 Chobham Armor equipped 通常格闘・実弾射撃のダメージを70%軽減 Normal melee and solid ammunition damage reduced by 70%.
ディフェンスロッド防御可能 Defense Rod defense possible 「防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Defend' command.
Reduces received damage by 30%.
Solid ammunition further halved.
デュートリオンビーム受信機搭載 Deuterion Beam Receiver equipped 戦艦からの「照射」コマンドを受けることでENを全回復できる Possible to receive 'Exposure' command from a warship to restore all EN.
トランスフェイズ装甲搭載 Trans-Phase armor equipped 物理攻撃ダメージを60%軽減
Physical damage reduced by 60%.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
ナノスキン装甲搭載 Nano-Skin armor equipped 毎ターンHP5%自動回復 Recovers 5% HP every turn.
ニュートロンジャマーキャンセラー搭載 Neutron Jammer Canceller equipped アビリティやオプションパーツでENを消費しなくなる
Abilities and Option Parts do not consume EN.
All weapon EN costs reduced by 10%.
ネオ・サイコミュシステム搭載 Neo-Psycommu System equipped 命中・回避率+10% Accuracy and Evasion rate +10%.
バーサーカーシステム搭載 Berserker System equipped 超強気になると発動
At super high tension, Attack +10 and Defense -10.
ハードポイント・システム Hard Point System 戦艦で武装換装が可能 Possible to change equipment when inside warship.
バイオ・コンピューター搭載 Bio-Computer equipped 格闘・射撃・反応+10 Melee, Shooting, and Reaction +10.
バイオ・センサー搭載 Bio-Sensor equipped 反応+10、覚醒+20 Reaction +10, Awaken +20.
ハイパージャマーシステム搭載 Hyper Jammer System equipped 敵からの先制攻撃時、回避率+15% When an enemy initiates an attack, Evasion rate +15.
ハイパーデュートリオンビームシステム搭載 Hyper Deuterion Beam System equipped 戦艦からの「照射」コマンドを受けることでENを全回復できる
Possible to receive 'Exposure' command from a warship to restore all EN.
Abilities and Option Parts do not consume EN.
All weapon EN costs reduced by 10%.
ハイパーモード搭載 Hyper Mode equipped 超強気になるとハイパーモード発動 At super high tension, Hyper Mode is activated.
バック・ウェポン・システム機構 Back Weapon System equipped 「変形」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Transformation' command; however, after transforming once, unit must return to warship to be able to transform again.
パワーエクステンダー搭載 Power Extender equipped 全武装の消費ENが20%減少 All weapon EN costs reduced by 20%.
ビーム撹乱幕搭載 Beam Scattering Curtain equipped BEAM射撃を無効化 Negates BEAM shooting attacks.
ビームコンフューズ防御可能 Beam Confuse defense possible ファンネル系武装を無効化 Negates funnel-based attacks.
ビームシールド防御可能 Beam Shield defense possible 「防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Defend' command.
Reduces received damage by 30%.
Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 and BEAM melee further halved.
ヴァリアブル・フェイズシフト装甲搭載 Variable Phase Shift armor equipped 物理攻撃ダメージを軽減
Physical damage reduced.
Consumes EN every turn.
Consumes EN upon activation.
Damage reduction and EN consumption depend on unit.
フェイズシフト装甲搭載 Phase Shift armor equipped 物理攻撃ダメージを60%軽減
Physical damage reduced by 60%.
Consumes 10 EN every turn.
Consumes 5 EN upon activation.
プラネイトディフェンサー防御可能 Planet Defensor defense possible 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
Negates all shooting attacks.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
フルアーマーシステム搭載 Full Armor System equipped 通常格闘と実弾射撃を半減 Normal melee and solid ammunition shooting halved.
フルシールド防御可能 Full Shield defense possible 「防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Defend' command.
Received damage reduced by 30%; when defending, damage further reduced by 30%.
変形可能 Transformation possible 「変形」コマンド使用可能 Enables 'Transformation' command.
補給機能搭載 Resupplying function equipped 周囲4マス内の味方のHP・ENを5%毎ターン自動回復 Allied units within a range of 4 squares automatically recover 5% HP and EN each turn.
マグネットコーティング搭載 Magnetic Coating equipped 攻撃・防御・機動+2・ Attack, Defense, and Mobility +2.
ミラージュコロイドシステム搭載 Mirage Colloid System equipped 先制攻撃時に命中率+15 When initiating an attack, Accuracy rate +15.
ヤタノカガミ搭載 Yata no Kagami equipped BEAM射撃無効化 Negates BEAM shooting attacks.
陽電子リフレクター搭載 Positron Reflector equipped BEAM射撃を無効化
Negates BEAM shooting attacks.
Negates MAP(BEAM) attacks.
量子化 Quantization 通常格闘・BEAM格闘武装を完全回避 Complete evasion of normal melee and BEAM melee attacks.
A.B.C.マント装備 A.B.C. Mantle equipment BEAM攻撃を一度だけ無効化
Negates any BEAM-type attack once.
Can be re-equipped by returning to warship.
ALICE機能搭載 ALICE system equipped HP30%以下で発動。 防御+20 Activates ALICE System when HP is below 30%: Defense +20.
A.Rチップ搭載 A.R Chip equipped 防御・機動・反応+10 Defense, Mobility, and Reaction +10.
DG細胞感染 DG cell infection 毎ターンHP・EN5%自動回復 Recovers 5% HP and EN each turn.
EXAMシステム搭載 EXAM System equipped 命中・回避率+15、覚醒値+30
Accuracy and Evasion rate +15; Awaken value +30.
Attacks consumes 10 MP.
EWAC機能搭載 EWAC system equipped EWAC範囲内の味方の命中率+10 Accuracy rate +10 to allied units within EWAC range.
GNフィールド機能(弱) GN Field feature (Weak) 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
BEAM1 halved; solid ammunition reduced by 30%.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
GNフィールド機能(中) GN Field feature (Medium) 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 and solid ammunition halved.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
GNフィールド機能(強) GN Field feature(Strong) 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
Negates BEAM1 and BEAM2; BEAM3 halved; solid ammunition reduced by 80%.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
GNフィールド機能(00) GN Field feature (00) 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
Negates BEAM1 and BEAM2; BEAM3 halved; solid ammunition reduced by 80%.
GNフィールド機能(0) GN Field feature (0) 全てのMAP兵器無効化、全属性を70%軽減する Negates all MAP weapons; all attack-types reduced by 70%.
Iフィールド機能(弱) I-Field feature (Weak) BEAM1を無効化、BEAM2を半減 Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 halved.
Iフィールド機能(強) I-Field feature (Strong) BEAM1・2を無効化、BEAM3を半減 Negates BEAM1 and BEAM2; BEAM3 halved.
TRANS-AMシステム搭載 TRANS-AM System equipped システム起動で攻・防・機+20、移動力+1、宇A・空A
When TRANS-AM is activated: Attack, Defense, and Mobility +20; Movement range +1; Terrain Rank in Space and Air become A.
When TRANS-AM expires, unit stats are halved for one turn.
TRANS-AMシステム発動中 TRANS-AM System activated システム発動中、ターン経過で解除
Once activated, the TRANS-AM system will expire after 5 turns for 00-Raiser and 1 turn for all other units.

Battleship Abilities

Name in Japanese Name in English Effect in Japanese Effect in English
アンチ・ビーム爆雷 Anti-Beam depth charge 「爆雷」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Depth Charge' command.
Negates enemy BEAM attacks within the group range.
地ならし移動 Ground-crushing advance 移動時に通過した場所にいるユニットにダメージを与える
When the warship moves, units in the path of the warship will receive damage.
Consumes 10 EN for movement.
デュートリオンビーム発信機搭載 Deuterion Beam transmitter equipped 「照射」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Exposure' command.
Restores full EN to units with a receiver.
ビーム撹乱幕搭載 Beam Scattering Curtain equipped 「撹乱幕」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Scattering Curtain' command.
Negates enemy BEAM attacks within the group range.
ビームシールド防御可能 Beam Shield defense possible 「防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Defend' command.
Reduces received damage by 30%.
Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 and BEAM melee further halved.
変形可能 Transformation possible 「変形」コマンド使用可能 Enables 'Transformation' command.
ミノフスキー粒子散布可能 Minovsky particle spreading possible 「散布」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Spreading' command.
Aids avoidance of enemy attacks within the group range.
ミラージュコロイドシステム搭載 Mirage Colloid System equipped 先制攻撃時に命中率+15 When initiating an attack, Accuracy rate +15.
ラミネート装甲搭載 Laminate armor equipped BEAM1を無効化、BEAM2・BEAM格闘によるダメージを半減 Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 and BEAM melee damage halved.
GNフィールド機能(中) GN Field feature (Medium) 「特殊防御」コマンド使用可能
Enables 'Special Defense' command.
Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 and solid ammunition halved.
Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
Iフィールド機能(強) I-Field feature (Strong) BEAM1・2無効化、BEAM3によるダメージを半減 Negates BEAM1 and BEAM2; BEAM3 halved.

Character Abilities

Name in Japanese Name in English Effect in Japanese Effect in English
蒼い死神 The Blue Death 特定のキャラクターアビリティを持つ相手に強くなる Yuu Kajima's unique ability.

Special shooting and melee attack damage up when fighting against opponents with one of these abilities:
Newtype, Enhanced Human, Artificial Newtype, Boosted Man, Extended, or Super Soldier. +20% at Lv1. +30% at MAX

赤い彗星 The Red Comet 特定の機体に搭乗した時、攻撃力と機動力を上昇させる効果。 Char Aznable (0079)'s unique ability.

When piloting specific units, Attack and Mobility up.
+3 at Lv1. +15 at MAX

悪運 Bad Luck ユニットのHP50%以下の場合のみ、受けるダメージを10%軽減し、回避率をUPさせる。 When HP is below 50%, damage taken down 10% and Evasion up.
+8% at Lv1. +20% at MAX
威圧 Coercion メインユニットとして戦闘をする場合
When the main unit in an attack, your target's accuracy is reduced.
Target accuracy -6% at Lv1.
怒り Rage HPが減少するごとにクリティカル率アップ As HP decreases, critical attack rate up.
怒れる瞳 Angry Eyes 全武装ダメージアップ、HPが減少すると能力アップ Shinn Asuka's unique ability.

All attack damage up; as HP decreases, critical rate up.
Inflicted damage +15% at MAX.

威風 Glory 敵に狙われにくくなり、攻撃してきた敵の命中率がダウン Attacked enemy accuracy down. -5% at Lv1. -15% at MAX
歌姫 Songstress マスターの場合はマスター範囲+3
When master, master range +3. When warship captain, group range +3.
Charm increased. Charm +10 at Lv1, +25 Charm at MAX
エクステンデッド Extended 反応値と覚醒値アップ Reaction and Awaken values up. Reaction and Awaken +3 at Lv1. Reaction and Awaken +18 at MAX.
エリート Elite ユニットの獲得EXPがアップ Unit's earned experience up (Lv×10%). EXP x2 at MAX.
エンデュミオンの鷹 Hawk of Endymion 覚醒武器の消費MPが減少 Mu La Flaga (CE71)'s unique ability.

Decreases MP consumption for Awaken-type weapons.
-10 at Lv1. -20 at MAX.

オペレーションメテオ Operation Meteor 射撃値と格闘値アップ
Shooting and Melee up. +3 at Lv1.
When fighting alone (without support), all attack damage +10%.
隠密 Stealth 先制攻撃時、命中率アップ When initiating an attack, Accuracy rate up.
+5% at Lv1. +15% at MAX
カテゴリーF Category F 全武装の消費MP20%減少 For all weapons, MP consumption reduced by 20%.
寡黙 Taciturn 守備値と防御力アップ Defending and Defense up.
+2 at Lv1. +15 at MAX
カリスマ Charisma マスターの場合はマスター範囲+3。
Command range +3. Charisma up. +3 at Lv1. +20 at MAX
感性 Sensitive 攻撃力アップ、超強気になると戦闘能力アップ Seabook Arno's unique ability

Attack up; at super high tension, combat abilities up.
At super high tension: Reaction up; Accuracy and Evasion +10%.

ガンダムファイター Gundam Fighter 格闘武装の射程+1(特殊な射程はのぞく) Melee attack range +1 (except special melee).
ガンダムマイスター Gundam Meister ガンダム系にのると命中回避+10% When piloting a Gundam-type, Accuracy and Evasion +10%.
気合 Fighting Spirit テンションが上がりやすくなる
Tension gain increased. At the end of an attack, gained MP increased.
機械技術 Mechanical Skill 整備能力アップ Mechanic proficiency up.
騎士道 Chivalry 1対1で戦闘するとき、命中とクリティカルアップ In a 1-on-1 battle, Accuracy and critical rate up. +5% at Lv1. +18% MAX
気分屋 Moody テンション変動がばらつく Changes in tension fluctuate.
器用 Skilled 格闘、射撃、反応、守備アップ Melee, Shooting, Reaction, Defending up.
+1 at Lv1. +10 at MAX
強固 Adamant 守備値アップ Defending value up. Defending +3 at Lv1.
強化人間 Enhanced Human 反応値・覚醒値が上昇(初期値+3) Reaction and Awaken values up. Reaction and Awaken +3 at Lv1.Reaction and Awaken +18 at MAX.
共振 Resonance 覚醒値アップ、超強気になると戦闘能力アップ Amuro Ray's unique ability.

At super high tension, Awaken-type weapon damage up.
+5% at Lv1. +25% at MAX.

恐怖 Fear 自分が狙った敵の回避率ダウン Targeted enemy's Evasion rate down. Enemy evasion -6% at Lv1.
キング・オブ・ハート King of Hearts 格闘値アップ

Domon Kasshu's unique ability.

Melee value up. Melee +4 at Lv1.

クィーン・ザ・スペード Queen the Spade 射撃値アップ

Chibodee Crockett's unique ability.

Shooting value up. Shooting +4 at Lv1.

グラハムスペシャル Graham Special クリティカル率と戦闘後のMP上昇アップ
Graham Aker's unique ability.

Critical rate and MP gain after combat up. +3% and +3 at Lv1. +15% and +15 at MAX.
This applies to MP gains from hits, and from destruction. MP +70 from destruction at MAX.

クラブ・エース Club Ace 反応値アップ

Sai Saici's unique ability.

Reaction value up. Reaction +4 at Lv1.

空間戦闘適応 Space Combat Adaptability 宇宙での命中・回避率アップ When fighting in space, Accuracy and Evasion rates up.
Accuracy and Evasion +3% at Lv1.
空間認識能力 Spatial Awareness 射撃・反応・守備・覚醒値アップ Shooting, Reaction, Defending, Awaken values up.
Shooting, Reaction, Defending, Awaken +1 at Lv1, +10 at MAX.
空中戦闘適応 Aerial Combat Adaptability 空中戦での戦闘能力アップ
When fighting in the air, combat abilities up.
Air combat Accuracy and Evasion +3% at Lv1.
ゲルマン流忍術 German-style Ninjutsu 反応と回避アップ

Schwarz Bruder's unique ability.

Reaction and Evasion up. Reaction +3, Evasion +3% at Lv1.

幸運 Lucky 回避、クリティカル率アップ Evasion and critical rate up.
+3% at Lv1. +15% at MAX
狡猾 Cunning 防御を選択した時に発動。
When choosing 'Defend', damage further reduced to 95% (at Lv1).
Damage reduced to 60% at MAX.
豪傑 Hero 攻撃力アップ Attack up. Attack +1 at Lv1. Attack +12 at MAX.
好戦 Warlike 格闘と射撃アップ Melee and Shooting up.
+2 at Lv1. +12 at MAX
コーディネイター Coordinator キャラクター能力値アップ

Character abilities up.
Melee, Shooting, Reaction, Defending +1 at Lv1, +10 MAX

最高評議会議長 Supreme Council Chairman マスター範囲・グループ範囲と魅力値アップ
Gilbert Durandal's unique ability.

Master, group range up; Charm up.
When master, master range up; when warship captain, group range up; when team leader, team range up.
Values +1 at Lv1.

砂漠の虎 Desert Tiger 地上戦での戦闘能力アップ(初期値:命中・クリティカル率+8%) Andrew Waltfeld's unique ability.

When fighting on land, accuracy and critical rates up.
+8% at Lv1. +20% at MAX

慈愛 Affection 戦艦搭乗時は同グループ、MS搭乗時は5マス以内の味方MPを毎ターン回復 When a member of WS crew, the crew recovers MP each turn.
When piloting a MS, allies within a range of 5 squares recover MP each turn.
MP recovery will not exceed a crew or pilot's initial value.
SEED SEED 超強気になると能力値アップ
At super high tension, abilities up.
Shooting, Melee, Reaction, Defending up; values +5 at Lv1. +20 at MAX
射手 Gunner 射撃大幅アップ Shooting +3 at Lv1, +1 for first level up, +2 for every level ups after that, +20 at MAX (Level 10).
ジャック・イン・ダイヤ Jack in Diamond 守備値アップ George de Sand's unique ability.

Defending value up. Defending +4 at Lv1.

ジャンク屋 Junk Dealer BEAM以外の武装消費ENを軽減 With the exception of BEAM weapons, all weapon EN consumption reduced.
集中力 Concentration 回避コマンドを選択した時の回避率アップ When choosing 'Evade', Evasion rate up. Evasion +3% at Lv1.
熟練 Proficient 全武装のEN消費5%減少、命中率アップ All weapon EN consumption reduced by 5%, Accuracy rate up.
Accuracy +3% at Lv1.
情報分析 Information Analysis 通信能力アップ
Operator proficiency up: warship Accuracy rate up.
白い悪魔 The White Devil 特定のユニットに搭乗した時、攻撃力と機動力アップ Amuro Ray (0079)'s unique abilities.

When piloting Gundams, Attack and Mobility up. +3 at Lv1. +15 at MAX

素人 Amateur 消費ENが増加するかわりにクリティカル率アップ EN consumption increases, but critical rate up.
EN consumption +10%. Critical rate +5% at Lv1, + 20% at MAX.
人工ニュータイプ Artificial Newtype 反応値と覚醒値アップ Reaction and Awaken values up. Same effect as 'Super Soldier'.
慎重 Cautious 反応と守備アップ Reaction and Defending up. Reaction and Defending +2 at Lv1.
スーパーコーディネイター Super Coordinator ステータス補正アップ パイロットアビリティの能力値補正効果を1.5倍。 Kira Yamato's unique ability.

Effect of stat modifications multiplied by 1.5.
Includes modifications by OP parts.

水中戦闘適応 Underwater Combat Adaptability 水中戦での戦闘力アップ When fighting underwater, combat abilities up.
スナイパー Sniper 射撃武装の射程+1(特殊な射程はのぞく) Shooting attack range +1 (except special shooting).
スペシャル Special ユニットの地形適正が1段階上昇: ユニットの宇宙、空中適性1段階上昇
Uso Ewin's unique ability.

Unit terrain rating for space and air up by 1 grade.
Reaction value and Mobility increased. Reaction and Mobility +3 at Lv1.

精神感応 Psychic Resonance 全武装の消費MP20%ダウン、超強気以上で全能力20%アップ。
All weapon MP consumption reduced by 20%; at super high tension, all abilities up 20%.
At super high tension, unit's Attack and Defense +20%.
戦場の女神 Battlefield Goddess 攻撃力・射撃値アップ(特定の機体で効果1.5倍) Attack and Shooting up. +2 at Lv1. +12 at MAX.
Effect is multiplied by 1.5 when piloting Game Originals Units.
戦闘神 God of War 射撃、格闘、攻撃力アップ Gym Ghingnham's unique ability.

Shooting, Melee, Attack up.

操艦センス Driver Sense 操舵能力アップ Driver proficiency up.
底力 Potential HP50%で攻撃、防御アップ
When HP is below 50%, Attack and Defense up.
Attack and Defense +5 at Lv1, +1 per level until level 8, +2 per level after that, +16 at MAX (Level 10)
ソロモンの悪夢 The Nightmare of Solomon 敵ユニットに攻撃が命中した時、敵のMPを減少させる Anavel Gato's unique ability.

When an enemy unit is hit by an attack, enemy MP reduced.
-20 at Lv1. -30 at MAX

ソロモンの亡霊 The Ghost of Solomon 覚醒武器の消費MPが減少(初期値-10) Lalah Sune's unique ability.

Awaken-type weapon MP consumption reduced.
MP consumption -10 at Lv1.

単独行動 Independent Action 単独戦闘時、命中と全武装のダメージアップ When fighting alone, Accuracy and all weapon damage up. Values +3% at Lv1, +15% at MAX (Level 10).
地上戦闘適応 Ground Combat Adaptability 地上戦での戦闘能力アップ
When fighting on land, combat abilities up.
Accuracy and Evasion +3% at Lv1.
挑発 Provocation 敵の注意を自分に引き付ける。
Attracts enemy attention. More likely to become a target of an enemy unit.
超兵 Super Soldier 反応と覚醒アップ Reaction and Awaken up.
+3 at Lv1. +15 at MAX
超反応 Super Response テンションが超強気以上で発動。
Allelujah Haptism's (Awakened) unique ability.

Activated during Super High Tension and above.
Accuracy and evasion up by 7%(Lv1).
Bonus 1.5 times during Super Critical.

DG細胞感染 DG Cell Infection 搭乗ユニットのHPが毎ターン10%自動回復 Piloted unit recovers 10% HP each turn.
手加減 Mercy MAP兵器使用時、対象ユニットのHPを1残す When using MAP weapons, target unit(s) will be left with 1 HP if they otherwise would have been destroyed.
鉄壁 Iron Wall 防御力アップ Defense up.
+1 at Lv1. +12 at MAX
闘将 Champion チーム範囲・マスター範囲と攻撃力アップ
If master, master range +3.
If team leader, team range +3.
Unit Attack up. Attack +2 at Lv1.
統率力 Leadership 指揮能力アップ Command range up.
+1 at Lv1. +6 at MAX
ニュータイプ Newtype 反応値・覚醒値が上昇・ Reaction and Awaken values increased.
+3 at Lv1. +18 at MAX
ネガティブ Negative テンションが上がりにくい Difficult to raise tension: MP gain from combat is reduced.
熱血 Hot Blooded テンションの上昇によって、射撃・格闘・反応・守備がアップ
As tension rises, Shooting, Melee, Reaction, Defending up.
High tension: +4; super high tension: +8; super one-hit critical: +12.
バーサーカー Berserker 格闘と必殺武装のダメージがアップ、搭乗機に特定OPがついてるとさらにアップ Melee and hissatsu attack damage up; when piloting a unit using certain OP parts, effect is further increased.
ハイパーモード Hyper Mode 超強気の時に格闘、射撃、反応、守備+5上昇する。 At super high tension, Melee, Shooting, Reaction, and Defending up.
+5 at Lv1. +20 at MAX
白兵 Fighter 格闘アップ Melee +3 at Lv1, +1 for first level up, +2 for every level ups after that, +20 at MAX (Level 10).
反射神経 Sharp Reflexes 反応値アップ Reaction value up.
+3 at Lv1. +18 at MAX
必殺 Certain Kill スーパークリティカルが発生 Super critical hits can occur (outside of super critical tension).
10% at Lv1. 20% at MAX
不運 Misfortune 回避率ダウン、命中率アップ
Evasion rate down, Accuracy rate up.
Unit Evasion -5%. Accuracy +20% at MAX.
FAITH FAITH チーム範囲、マスター範囲アップ Team range, master range up.
Team (team leader), master (master) range +3.
ブーステッドマン Boosted Man 反応値・覚醒値がアップ(初期値+3) Reaction and Awaken values up. Values +3 at Lv1,+18 at MAX.
不可能を可能にする男 The Man Who Makes the Impossible Possible ユニットのHPが50%未満の場合のみ、受けるダメージを10%軽減し、攻撃、防御、機動+5。 When HP below 50%, damage reduced by 10%.
Attack, Defense, and Mobility up. +5 at Lv1. +16 at MAX
ブラック・ジョーカー Black Joker 攻撃力アップ Argo Gulskii's unique ability.

Attack up. Attack +3 at Lv1.

プレッシャー Pressure 覚醒武器の消費EN10%減少、敵の命中率ダウン Awaken-type weapon EN consumption reduced by 10%.
Enemy's Accuracy down. -10% at Lv1. -20% at MAX
ポジティブ Positive テンションが下がりにくい Difficult for tension to decrease: MP loss from combat decreased.
星を継ぐ者 Heir to the Stars 超強気になると戦闘能力アップ
Kamille Bidan's unique ability.

At super high tension, Awaken +30, combat abilities up.
Shooting, Melee, Reaction up. Values +5 at Lv1 +20 at MAX.

炎のモビルスーツ乗り Fiery Mobile Suit Pilot 反応アップ、超強気で攻撃力1.2倍 Garrod Ran's unique ability.

Reaction up; at super high tension (and above), Attack multiplied by 1.2.
Reaction +3 at Lv1, +20 at MAX.

真面目 Diligent キャラ獲得EXPアップ Character’s earned experience up (Lv×10%). EXP x2 at MAX.
幻の撃墜王 Phantom Ace 3L以上のサイズのユニット搭乗時、攻撃防御アップ Kou Uraki's unique ability.

When piloting a unit of size 3L or greater, Attack and Defense up.
Values +5 at Lv1, +30 at MAX.

身軽 Agile Mサイズ以下のMSにのると機動と回避率アップ When piloting a mobile suit of size M or smaller, Mobility and Evasion rate up.
Mobility +3, Evasion +3% at Lv1.
見切り Mikiri (Clairvoyant/Omniscient) キャラクターアビリティ無効化 When the main unit in an attack, opponent's character abilities are negated.
ムードメーカー Mood Maker 味方の命中率アップ
Allied units (in the same group) Accuracy up.
+3% at Lv1. +15% at MAX. Stacks to +15%.
無謀 Reckless 反応-5、攻撃力アップ(初期値+2、Max時+20) Reaction -5, Attack up. Attack +2 at Lv1, +20 at MAX.
明鏡止水 Serene Mind ドモン・カッシュのみ
Domon Kasshu's unique ability.

At super high tension, Shooting, Melee, Reaction, Defending up.
+5 at Lv1. +20 at MAX

勇将 Brave Leader チーム、マスター範囲+3、防御力アップ Team (team leader), master (master) range +3; Defense up.
傭兵 Mercenary 全武装の射程+1(特殊な射程はのぞく) Attack range +1 (except special-type attacks).
ライトニング・カウント The Lightning Count 機動力28以上のユニットに搭乗すると移動力 Zechs Merquise's unique ability.

When piloting a unit with Mobility 28 or higher, Movement range +1.

流派東方不敗 School of Touhou Fuhai 格闘と必殺で与えるダメージアップ Melee and hissatsu damage up.
+10% at Lv1. +20% at MAX
冷酷 Ruthless 単独戦闘時、敵の防御力ダウン When fighting alone (without support), enemy Defense down. Defense -1 at Lv1.
冷徹 Cool-headed 単独戦闘時、敵の防御力ダウン When fighting alone (without support), enemy Defense down.
-1 at Lv1. -6 at MAX
歴戦の勇士 Veteran Soldier 攻撃と格闘アップ、特定機体で効果1.5倍 Attack and Melee up. Attack, Melee +2 at Lv1.
When piloting specific units, effect is multiplied by 1.5.
Specific units are G-Generation original units. Attack and Melee +12 at MAX.
練達 Expert ユニット地形適正1段階上昇(適性が無い場合は無効) Unit terrain rating up by 1 grade (no effect on null terrain ratings).
ローラ・ローラ Laura Rolla 指揮能力アップ、指揮範囲内MP上昇値アップ Loran Cehack's unique ability.

Command range up. Within command area, MP gain up.
Range and gain +1 at Lv1. +6 at MAX

ロシアの荒熊 Wild Bear of Russia チーム、マスター範囲と攻撃力アップ Sergei Smirnov's unique ability.

When piloting MS/MA, command range +3. Attack up.
+3 at Lv1. +15 at MAX

宇宙の蜉蝣 Space Mayfly 機動力と反応値アップ Cima Garahau's unique ability.

Mobility and Reaction up.

Haro Abilities

Name in Japanese Name in English Effect in Japanese Effect in English
ハロゲンキ! Haro Genki! HPとENが毎ターン回復する HP and EN recovered each turn. 1% at Lv1. 20% at MAX.
Haro (Amuro).
ミトメタクナイ! I Won't Allow It! 一定の確率でダメージを無効化 Chance to negate damage. 1% at Lv1. 30% at MAX.
Haro (Lacus).
Are You Ok? Are You Ok? 移動力アップ Movement range up. +1 at Lv1. +6 at MAX
Haro (Meer).
ロックオン! Lockon! 射撃武装の能力値アップ
Shooting range +1. Shooting accuracy and critical rate up.
+1% at Lv1. +50% at MAX
Haro (Lockon).
ヤッチマエ! Get'em! 全攻撃のダメージアップ Attack damage and critical rate up. +1% at Lv1. +40% at MAX
HARO (Neena).