Zeta Plus

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MSZ-006C1 Zeta Plus C1 (MS).png
HP EN Att. Def. Mob. Move Size Space Air Land Water Underwater
13860 120 26 26 26 6 M B - B - -

Name Power EN MP Range Type Hit Crit
Beam Saber 3900 16 0 1-1 Beam Melee 100 5
60mm Vulcan Cannon 1000 6 0 1-2 Rapid Fire 105 25
Beam Smartgun 3500 20 0 2-4 Beam 2 80 7
Beam Cannon x2 2500 20 0 3-5 Beam 1 65 10

Name Effect Remarks
Transformation possible Enables 'Transformation' command.
Defense Support Possible Enables 'Support Defense'.

Waverider Form

MSZ-006C1 Zeta Plus C1 (MA).png
Stats for Waverider Form
HP EN Att. Def. Mob. Move Size Space Air Land Water Underwater
13860 120 26 26 27 8 M A A - - -

Name Power EN MP Range Type Hit Crit
Beam Smartgun 3500 20 0 2-4 Beam 2 80 7
Beam Cannon x2 2500 20 0 3-5 Beam 1 65 10

Name Effect Remarks
Transformation possible Enables 'Transformation' command.

Amuro Custom

MSZ-006A1 Z Plus A1 Amuro Custom (MS).png
Stats for Amuro Custom
HP EN Att. Def. Mob. Move Size Space Air Land Water Underwater
17330 150 31 26 26 6 M B - B - -

Name Power EN MP Range Type Hit Crit
Beam Saber 3900 16 0 1-1 Beam Melee 100 5
60mm Vulcan Cannon 1000 6 0 1-2 Rapid Fire 105 25
Beam Rifle 2800 12 0 2-4 Beam 1 85 10
Beam Cannon x2 2500 20 0 3-5 Beam 1 65 10

Name Effect Remarks
Transformation possible Enables 'Transformation' command.
Defense Support Possible Enables 'Support Defense'.

Waverider Form Amuro Custom

MSZ-006A1 Z Plus A1 Amuro Custom (MA).png
Stats for Waverider Form Amuro Custom
HP EN Att. Def. Mob. Move Size Space Air Land Water Underwater
17330 150 31 26 27 8 M A A - - -

Name Power EN MP Range Type Hit Crit
Beam Rifle 2800 12 0 2-4 Beam 1 85 10
Beam Cannon x2 2500 20 0 3-5 Beam 1 65 10

Name Effect Remarks
Transformation possible Enables 'Transformation' command.


Misc Stats
Cost Exchange Value Capture Value
35300 63414 -1




Name Level Name Level Name Level
Zeta Gundam 3 Re-GZ (BWS) 4 S Gundam 5

MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam.png

RGZ-91 Re-GZ (BWS).png

MSA-0011 S Gundam (MS).png


Unit 1

Unit 2