Mobile Suit Crossbone Gundam Characters

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Unlocked for purchase by recruiting Seabook Arno as a scout.

Tobia Arronax

Tobia Arronax.png
Nature MP Growth COST CV Total Stats at Lv99
Normal 280 Chronic A (350) 67300 Yamaguchi Kappei 483

LV Shooting Melee Reaction Defending Awakening Charisma MS Pilot Captain Operator Piloting Engineering
1 21 22 22 20 40 8 A C C A A
52 44 48 34 40 55 22

Name Effect Obtain conditions Remarks
Agile When piloting a mobile suit of size M or smaller, suit's Mobility and character's Evasion rate up Initial
Newtype Reaction and Awaken values increased. +3 at Lv1. Level 4 +18 at MAX
Fighter Melee up Level 15
Hot Blooded As tension rises, Shooting, Melee, Reaction, Defending up Level 34 high tension: +4
super high tension: +8
super one-hit critical: +12.
Rage As HP decreases, critical attack rate up Level 45


  • With only 280 MP, high tension is very easy to reach and Hot Blooded and the stat bonuses take care of the rest.
  • The agile ability will make him very hard to hit in an M sized suit even in melee range.
  • A good addition to any team.

Kincaid Nau

Kincaid Nau.png
Nature MP Growth COST CV Total Stats at Lv99
Normal 400 Normal B (320) 70600 Tsujitani Koji 467

LV Shooting Melee Reaction Defending Awakening Charisma MS Pilot Captain Operator Piloting Engineering
1 27 27 28 27 30 8 A A C B B
51 68 51 61 52 58 33

Name Effect Obtain conditions Remarks
Newtype Reaction and Awaken values increased. +3 at Lv1. Initial +18 at MAX
Proficient All weapon EN consumption reduced by 5%, Accuracy rate up Level 4
Sharp Reflexes Reaction value up. +3 at Lv1. Level 16 +18 at MAX
Fighting Spirit Tension gain increased. At the end of an attack, gained MP increased Level 34
Mikiri (Clairvoyant/Omniscient) When the main unit in an attack, opponent's character abilities are negated. Level 45