Gundam Virtue

Page last edited 4,595 days ago
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GN-005 Gundam Virtue.png
HP EN Attack Defense Mobility Movement Size Space Air Land Water Underwater
13280 330 28 28 28 7 L B B B - C

Name Power EN MP Range Type Hit Crit
GN Beam Saber 3800 30 0 1-1 Beam Melee 100 5
GN Cannon x2 3000 38 0 3-5 Beam 2 65 7
GN Bazooka 4500 40 0 4-6 Beam 2 70 5
GN Bazooka Burst Mode 5500 60 0 5-6 Beam 3 65 5
GN Bazooka Burst Mode 10000 150 0 MAP MAP 100 0

Name Effect Remarks
GN Field feature (medium) Enables 'Special Defense' command.

Negates BEAM1; BEAM2 and solid ammunition halved.

Consumes 10 EN upon activation.
TRANS-AM System equipped When TRANS-AM is activated :

Attack, Defense, Mobility +20 and Movement range +1

Terrain Rank in Space and Air become A.

When TRANS-AM expires, unit stats are halved for one turn.
Escape Function equipped When the unit is destroyed, a new unit will appear.
Defense Support Possible Enables 'Support Defense'.


Misc Stats
Cost Exchange Value Capture Value
50000 83496 -1




Name Level Name Level Name Level Name Level
Gundam Nadleeh 2 Gundam Exia 3 Gundam Dynames 3 Gundam Kyrios 3

GN-004 Gundam Nadleeh.png

GN-001 Gundam Exia.png

GN-002 Gundam Dynames.png

GN-003 Gundam Kyrios.png


Unit 1

Unit 2