Freedom Gundam

Page last edited 3,552 days ago
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Freedom Gundam.png
HP EN Attack Defense Mobility Movement Size Space Air Land Water Underwater
15400 450 29 28 30 8 L B B B - D

Name Power EN MP Range Type Hit Crit
"Lacerta" Beam Saber 3900 40 0 1-1 Beam Melee 100 6
"Picus" 76mm CIWS 1000 20 0 1-2 Rapid Fire 105 25
"Lupus" Beam Rifle 3100 42 0 2-4 Beam 1 85 10
"Balaena" Plasma Beam Cannon x2 3500 56 0 3-5 Beam 2 60 5
Full Burst Mode 6000 60 0 4-6 Special Shooting 80 7
Full Burst Mode 8000 120 35 MAP MAP 100 0

Name Effect Remarks
Anti-Beam Shield defense possible Enables 'Defend' command. Reduces received damage by 30%. Beam 1 and Beam Melee further halved
Phase Shift Armor equipped Physical damage reduced by 60% Consumes 10 EN every turn
Consumes 5 EN every activation
Neutron Jammer Canceller Abilities and Option Parts do not consume EN. All weapon EN costs reduced by 10%.
Defense Support Possible Enables 'Support Defense'.


Misc Stats
Cost Exchange Value Capture Value
38600 78078 -1




Name Level Name Level Name Level
Justice Gundam 3 Providence Gundam 5 Strike Freedom Gundam 6

Justice Gundam.png

Providence Gundam.png

Strike Freedom Gundam.png