Fighting Spirit

Page last edited 5,021 days ago
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The capability to put one's heart when dealing with everything.

Tension gain increased.
At the end of an attack, gained MP increased. (MP increase +5)

Character Level Learned
Hayato Kobayashi Initial
Bright Noa(1st) 10
Shiro Amada Initial
Mora Bascht 16
Anavel Gato 29
Bright Noa(Z) 6
Henken Bekkener 4
Torres 18
Beecha Oleg 17
Mashymre Cello 15
Mashymre Cello (Enhanced) 15
Bright Noa(CCA) 6
Mafty Navilles Erin 15
Seabook Arno 16
Birgit Pirjo 4
Kincaid Nau 34
Uso Ewin 5
Tomache Massarik 34
Chang Wufei 35
Chang Wufei(EW) 35
Shingo Mori 34
Loran Cehack 15
Joseph Yaht 4
Gavane Gooney 7
Corin Nander 16
Corin Nander (Suit) 16
Cancer Kefka
Muron Muron
Murrue Ramius(C.E.71) 7
Cagalli Yula Attha(C.E.71)
Asagi Caldwell
Clotho Buer Initial
Shinn Asuka 16
Murrue Ramius(C.E.73) Initial
Claire Heathrow 5
Kay Nimrod 3

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