Driver Sense

Page last edited 5,142 days ago
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With their peculiar and precise sense, warship's evasion rate will improve.

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MAX
AP to level - 70 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100

Character Level Learned
Mirai Yashima Initial
Ivan Pasalof Initial
Saegusa Initial
Caesar Initial
Manuela Panopa Initial
レオニード・アルモドバル Initial
オーティス・アーキンズ Initial
カレル・マサリク Initial
Shingo Mori Initial
Bruno Initial
Arnold Neumann(C.E.71) Initial
Malik Yardbirds Initial
Arnold Neumann(C.E.73) Initial
Lichtendahl Tsery Initial
Lasse Aeon Lv7
Ernst Jager Initial
Maria Owens Lv4

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