Certain Kill

Page last edited 5,114 days ago
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The capability to bring out the ultimate offensive moves.

Super critical hits can occur (outside of super critical tension).
10% at Lv1. 20% at MAX

Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 MAX
Chance 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
AP to level - 70 70 80 80 90 90 100 100 100

Character Level Learned
Kamille Bidan 32
Mashymre Cello (Enhanced) 45
Uso Ewin 45
Domon Kasshu 35
Chibodee Crockett 34
Sai Saici 32
George de Sand 30
Argo Gulskii 35
Schwarz Bruder 35
Schwarz Bruder (No Mask) 35
Rain Mikamura 50
Allenby Beardsley 50
Master Asia 34
Heero Yuy 50
Shagia Frost 50
Clotho Buer 50
Shinn Asuka 32
Athrun Zala (C.E.73 Orb) 30
Sven Cal Bayan 34
Setsuna F Seiei 50
Graham Aker 50
Claire Heathrow 32
Elfriede Schultz 34

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